By entering a name or an identification number into a search engine our Customers can see following information:
On outstanding loans:
- Disbursed amount
- Currency
- Current balance
On loans repaid:
- Disbursed amount
- Currency
- Date of loan repayment
This service is the first step in the exchange of positive information. Our clients will have an opportunity not only to see the existing loans of their credit applicants, but also their positive credit history. At this stage information is exchanged only on the loans below USD 500 000.
Defaulting Debtors Database (DDD) is a centralized database with processed information from official (courts, statistics department, tex department, etc.) and unofficial sources (customers of Creditinfo, banks, MFIs, leasing, telecommunication companies, etc.) concerning defaulted debts on individuals and companies. It is a database that all companies and businesses in a given country should consult before granting or renewing credit to their old or new customers.
Defaulting Debtors Database allows Customers to evaluate the credit history of Data Subjects. By entering a name or an identification number into a search engine, Customers retrieve the critical information they need to take safer and more accurate business decisions. DDD is the decision making tool of the 21st century for creditors.
The database is accessible to subscribers 24/7
For Companies credit database and value added products price is based on the inquiries conducted during the month