Avoid bad business by identifying and avoiding bad debtors.
Save time and resources by not extending credit or supplying services or goods to people unwilling or unable to pay their dues.
Decrease claim write-offs by using objective and verified information as a foundation for business decisions.
Improve cash flow fewer bad debtors means less money outstanding.
Increase profit levels as a result of fewer write-offs.
Warn other businesses about bad customers by doing so you are securing your debt. No one else should be willing to sell on credit to the bad debtor.
Improve pricing good credit information allows you to reward good, low risk clients with better prices.
Improve interest income.
Lower debt collection costs by eliminating more bad debtors earlier, you spend less time and money on collection, both internal and external.
Increase investment value – fewer bad debtors means you will collect more of your receivables. It is our belief that here as elsewhere a service of this kind can have a very positive impact on the economy, improving payment behavior and encouraging prompt payment. These factors also benefit the debtor. Reliable debtors get better prices and terms.